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Block Emails of Specific Domains - Get the real business emails
  • Sometimes you want just business emails, not the regular free domain emails like gmail.com, hotmail.com etc,.

    On your Optingun forms, you can decide which domains you dont want your leads from.

    Go to Settings > General Settings and there is the option to put the domains that you want to block.
    navigating to general settings in optingun
    "Block Emails from Specific Domains" is the option for this purpose, enable it with the toggle switch and put your domains in the field.

    If you dont want email IDs of example.com then put example.com in there, if you want to block more than one domain then you can put more domains seperated by comma, for example "example.com,grainpot.com"
    Block emails of specific domains in optingun
    Make sure you save the form with your changes in the settings.

    When visitors fill emails from the blocked domains, they see an error message on the signup forms.
    Note - You cant change this error message text.
    Error message for blocked domain emails in optingun
Optingun Help - Blocking Specific Domain emails on your Signup Forms