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Recommended Integrations
  • We work with almost every Email automation tool, some CRMs, few Webinar tools, but its true that not all services are capable to same level, each tool is designed for different purpose but when its time to compare the power, features and ease of use with Optingun keeping the service quality on top- we have some recommendations
Why we recommend Few Tools?

After working with these tools for more than 2 years, depending on their features, service quality, customer support, API access and ease of doing, we have some recommendations which will work best with Optingun. We trust these services, we built special integrations with these tools making the whole process of Optingun Integrations one-place experience.

Is this Affiliation?

No - We do not promote any bad services for commercial benifits, we recommend these tools only based on their features, support and service quality, we have no affiliation with any tool that we connect to.

Is the Integration different with Recommended tools?

Yes - We have special Itegrations with the recommended tools, making it most easy to use. Normal Integrations require the API settings saved in a different page, then creation of lists/contact groups to be done in that tool dashboard for the normal tools. Recommended Tools have in page setups, after creating the form you can setup API on same form editing page, you can create new lists if you want, you can configure transactional emails and text messages everything form same form editing page. You will never have to comeback to different pages.

This is on Extra charge or High-paid plans?

No - this is standard, you can enjoy these recommended Integrations across all plans those can access Integrations and no extra charge for thes special Integrations.

Tools we Recommend